Green Party Conference Agenda

Motion #19

Supporting 50s Women CEDAWinLAW Campaign

Motion not yet debated


SOC Note: The background for this motion is located at Appendix 6


SOC Note: It was observed that the consequential portion of this motion was mistakenly located in the synopsis, which is not a part of the motion itself, and SOC has adjusted accordingly given that the effect of the motion is otherwise clear.


Preamble: Prior to the General Election the Green Party Women/ GPW committee voted unanimously to join the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) group supporting the 50s Women CEDAWinLAW campaign.

The ADR group was created by Sir George Howarth in 2023. It was a response to the CEDAWinLAW campaign and calls for ‘Mediation’ talks with the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions to right historical and current sex discrimination.

We think you will understand why we have chosen to support this campaign as part of this year’s committee aims to #RaiseWomensVoices and we are not alone in the Green Party.

When she was Party Leader, Caroline Lucas joined the ADR group. In the run up to the general election many of our Prospective Parliamentary candidates (PPCs) pledged to support the campaign, including our Co-chair Tina Rothery and Treasurer Anne Baker.

This motion states the Green Party support for the “Supporting 50s Women CEDAWinLAW Campaign” and CEDAW GR40 and our MPs to write to the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions and Prime Minister to carry out ADR and propose an Early Day Motion, as necessary.

Last updated on 2024-09-08 at 15:20