Green Party Conference Agenda

Motion #07

EDI Accreditations and Memberships

Motion not yet debated


The Green Party’s 2022 EDI Audit Report produced by Diverse Matters highlighted several gaps in the party’s commitment to being a fully inclusive employer. This motion seeks to address some of those areas through accreditation and membership of external EDI (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) schemes.


Conference believes the Green Party of England and Wales should be a leader in the workplace for all areas of equality.

While the party has made good steps being a part of Stonewall’s Diversity Champions and the Disability Confidence Scheme Level 2, though the party can take further steps in all areas of equality.

Additional schemes that the party may consider that were recommended by the EDI Audit Report alongside Stonewall and the Disability Confidence Scheme are:

National Centre for Diversity (Investors in Diversity and Leaders in Diversity),

Business Disability Forum (BDF) Disability Standard,

Excellence in Diversity Top 50 Inclusive Employers,

Race for Opportunity/Opportunity now,

Mindful Employer,

Mind Workplace Wellbeing benchmark,

ENEI Employers Network for Equality and Inclusion.

Conference believes that the party should seek accreditation or membership to such schemes, as this work is vital to our goals of ensuring equality, diversity and inclusion as a workplace.

Conference also believes that this work is also vital for our membership and volunteers.

Therefore conference instructs GPEx to:

Work towards Level 3: Disability Confident Leader in the Disability Confidence Scheme.

Continue the Green Party’s membership of Stonewall’s Diversity Champions programme and take part in the Workplace Equality Index, so the party can definitively benchmark our progress of LGBTIQA+ inclusion as a workplace.

Seek further accreditations and memberships to workplace EDI schemes, these may be ones recommended by Diverse Matters or other schemes that the party has investigated. The selection of schemes in addition to the party’s existing schemes should prioritise race, age, gender equality, mental health, and disability including neurodiversity.

Address any concerns that Green Party employees have relating to EDI and listen to their input on which schemes the party should seek accreditation or membership to.

Investigate similar EDI schemes that are applicable to volunteers and seek accreditation or membership to such schemes.

Last updated on 2024-09-08 at 15:20