Motion #21
There are occasions when different groups within the party need to be able to advocate for their own group’s needs which may clash with those of another group. For proper debate, all members need to be able to speak freely and not be silenced or threatened with party discipline.
Conference instructs appropriate party bodies to;
* Delete Safe Spaces Policy from ROPS:
“• The Green Party are committed to providing an environment free of racism, sexism, disablism, homophobia, transphobia, religious discrimination or any other types of oppression. Oppression is defined as the marginalization of one social group for the benefit of another more powerful group.
• The Green Party are committed to providing an environment free of bullying, name-calling or any forms of abusive behaviour. Bullying is defined as behaviour which is intended to hurt another physically or emotionally.
• The Green Party are committed to challenging these types of oppression whenever they occur in Green Party spaces.
• The Green Party are committed to putting first the needs of those whose safety is compromised.
• It is vital that everyone dealing with safe space related disputes has had training on intersectionality and oppression.
• The safe space policy can be amended at conference by a simple majority.”
SOC Note: This part of the motion will require a 2/3 majority to pass.
* Delete Constitution:
“xxii) The Green Party are committed to providing an open and inclusive environment for activism. As such all bodies shall follow the safe space policy.” Renumber other clauses as necessary.
*Delete Code of Conduct: (delete italicised text only)
“9.2 The Green Party should also be a space that is as safe or safer than society as a whole. Therefore discriminatory, oppressive or abusive behaviour should be prevented and stopped when it occurs. The aim is to provide an environment free of this. Any form of such behaviour is a breach of this Code, as is failure by a person in a role with responsibility, such as a Chair, Moderator or similar to take appropriate action to prevent or stop it. Members should also be aware of risks and act to mitigate them.”
Insert italicised text into the Code of Conduct until the replacement policy is in place:
“9.2 The Green Party should also be a space that is as safe or safer than society as a whole. All members must treat each other with respect. When debating issues, there is a requirement to focus on the issue and not individuals, and for disagreeing members to treat one another with consideration, recognising that those opposing each other’s arguments may find the beliefs and words of the other offensive. However, where members are deliberately offensive (e.g. swearing or using insulting and pejorative terms) this is a disciplinary matter and the Complaints system should be used. Chairs and Moderators should warn speakers about the tone and content of their speeches or questions and remind observers they may encounter ideas and language they personally find offensive but discussions will remain within reasonable and legal boundaries.”
Once the replacement policy is in place, replace the clause immediately above with this:
“9.2 The Green Party should also be a space that is as safe or safer than society as a whole. All members must treat each other with respect. When debating issues, there is a requirement to focus on the issue and not individuals, and for disagreeing members to treat one another with consideration, recognising that those opposing each other’s arguments may find the beliefs and words of the other offensive. However, where members are deliberately offensive (e.g. swearing or using insulting and pejorative terms) this breaches the Code of Conduct. Chairs and Moderators should warn speakers about the tone and content of their speeches or questions and remind observers they may encounter ideas and language they personally find offensive but discussions will remain within reasonable and legal boundaries.”
commission the EEDI Manager and E&D Committee to work together to draw up a replacement policy that offers protection to all groups recognised under Equality Act 2010, while enabling robust discussion of Policy including potential conflicts;
instruct the EEDI Manager to provide definitions ofpotentially ambiguous terms in the new policy and contrasting definitions of terms that cause friction in debates encompassing clashes of rights of different groups with Protected Characteristics. Further, for the EEDI manager to produce and circulate written guidance for party bodies of appropriate ways to deal with situations when there is a conflict of rights, obtaining legal advice as necessary, with clauses subsequently replacing the one deleted above from the Constitution.
xxii) The Green Party are committed to providing an open and inclusive environment for activism. As such all bodies shall follow the (insert name of new) policy.” Renumber other clauses as necessary.
SOC Note: The background for this motion is located at Appendix 2
Last updated on 2024-09-08 at 15:20