Green Party Conference Agenda

Motion #09

Amend Remit of Campaigns Committee

Motion not yet debated


The Extra Electoral Strategy is a supporting document of the constitution. The last version was passed in 1994 when the Party was much smaller. This is a rewrite, renumbering and update to provide a clearer remit for Campaigns Committee that explicitly supports the Political Strategy.


Delete title ‘Aims of Campaigning’ and EES200, EES210, EES220 and EES230

Insert title: ‘AIMS OF THE STRATEGY’


“To increase awareness of and support for the Green Party and its policies between national elections. This is to include increasing awareness of Green Party policies by members and supporters of the Party.

To activate, mobilise and empower Party members and others to take collective actions to promote and where appropriate implement Green Party policies and policies consistent with the Philosophical Basis.

To be consistent with and support the Political Strategy of the Green Party.”

Under the heading ‘STRUCTURE’

Delete: EES300


“The Green Party will set up a ‘Campaigning Community’. This will include working groups that have been formed under the constitution which allows members with interests in common to form a group to pursue campaigns within the structure and strategy of the Party. Such groups with a campaigning focus can be recognised by the Campaigns Committee, which will establish rules for recognition including any required by the constitution.

All groups recognised by the Campaigns Committee will collaborate with other Campaigning Community groups, with the Party’s appointed spokespeople and with other working groups that are recognised under the constitution. Campaigns Committee may recognise as part of the Campaigning Community a group that has already been recognised under the constitution by another Committee.”

Delete: EES310


“This Community will be co-ordinated by a Campaigns Committee. This shall be elected according to the constitution and be chaired by a Campaigns Co-ordinator who will be responsible to the Executive. In the event of there being a Campaigns Co-ordinator vacancy the Executive shall urgently co-opt or appoint a new co-ordinator as required by the constitution or in default of such action a member of the Committee may convene the Committee and the Committee shall then choose a chair who will report on behalf of the Committee to the Executive.

In the event of an elected member resigning or in the event of fewer members than allowed being elected at an election then the Committee may co-opt a new member to the casual vacancy to serve until the next conference and this co-optee shall have a vote as if elected. The Committee may co-opt additional non-voting members, seeking an intersectional Committee where feasible.

Regional Council will be able to nominate a non-voting ‘friend’ of the Campaigns Coordinator who will be invited to attend Committee meetings so as to facilitate cooperation between GPRC and the Committee.”

Insert new title: ‘CAMPAIGNING PROCESS’

Retain but renumber EE320

Delete: EES330


“The Committee shall submit an annual budget to the Executive. The Executive shall decide the overall campaigning budget available for the Campaigns Committee and Extra-Electoral Campaigns.”

Retain but renumber Section EES340

Delete: Section EES350


“The Campaigns Committee shall support the Campaigning Community by promoting information, networking, skill-swapping, training and events that encourage effective extra-electoral campaigning.”

Delete: EES360


“The Committee will maximise the use of online, low-cost, free and shared campaign opportunities.”

Delete: EES370


“The Committee shall seek to prioritise its work taking into account:

a. Conference resolutions requiring the Party to campaign on an issue;

b. the Party’s overall Political Strategy and current political targets;

c. availability of resources;

d. urgency for campaign messaging if the Party’s voice needs to be heard in current extra-electoral events;

e. needs of the Campaigning Community.

Insert: Renumbering of the above

So that the full revised document reads:

Extra-Electoral Campaigns Strategy


  1. To increase awareness of and support for the Green Party and its policies between national elections. This is to include increasing awareness of Green Party policies by members and supporters of the Party.
  2. To activate, mobilise and empower Party members and others to take collective actions to promote and where appropriate implement Green Party policies and policies consistent with the Philosophical Basis.
  3. To be consistent with and support the Political Strategy of the Green Party and to increase our vote share and hence our power to implement real change.


  1. The Green Party will set up a ‘Campaigning Community’ in parallel to the Policy Community. This will include working groups that have been formed under the constitution which allows members with interests in common to form a group to pursue campaigns within the structure and strategy of the Party. Such groups with a campaigning focus can be recognised by the Campaigns Committee, which will establish rules for recognition including any required by the constitution.
  2. All groups recognised by the Campaigns Committee will collaborate with other Campaigning Community groups, with the Party’s appointed spokespeople and with other working groups that are recognised under the constitution. Campaigns Committee may recognise as part of the Campaigning Community a group that has already been recognised under the constitution by another Committee.
  3. This Community will be co-ordinated by a Campaigns Committee. This shall be elected according to the constitution and be chaired by the Campaigns Co-ordinator who will be responsible to the Executive. In the event of there being a Campaigns Co-ordinator vacancy the Executive shall urgently co-opt or appoint a new co-ordinator as required by the constitution or in default of such action a member of the Committee may convene the Committee and the Committee shall then choose a chair who will report on behalf of the Committee to the Executive.
  4. In the event of an elected member resigning or in the event of fewer members than allowed by the constitution being elected at an election then there will be a casual vacancy to which the Committee may co-opt a new member to serve until the next annual general meeting and this co-optee shall have a vote as if elected. The Committee may co-opt additional non-voting members, seeking an intersectional Committee where feasible.
  5. Regional Council will be able to nominate a non-voting ‘friend’ of the Campaigns Coordinator who will be invited to attend Committee meetings so as to facilitate cooperation between GPRC and the Committee.


  1. The Campaigns Committee and Campaigning Community shall co-operate with the Policy Committee and Community in the production of policy material able to be understood by as many people as possible. This material shall be based on, and accord with, agreed policy expressing it in straightforward language and using emotional appeals as appropriate, in support of the Party’s campaigning. The arrangements for this co-operation shall be made between the Campaigns Committee and the Policy Committee.
  2. The Committee shall submit an annual budget to the Executive. The Executive shall decide the overall campaigning budget available for the Campaigns Committee and Extra-Electoral Campaigns. It will be the responsibility of the members of the Campaigning Community to produce well thought-out and costed campaign plans to the Committee.
  3. The Campaigns Committee shall support the Campaigning Community by promoting information, networking, skill-swapping, training and events that encourage effective extra-electoral campaigning.
  4. The Committee will maximise the use of online, low-cost, free and shared campaign opportunities.
  5. The Committee shall seek to prioritise its work taking into account:

a. Conference resolutions requiring the Party to campaign on an issue;

b. the Party’s overall Political Strategy and current political targets;

c. availability of resources;

d. urgency for campaign messaging if the Party’s voice needs to be heard in current extra-electoral events;

e. needs of the Campaigning Community.


At Autumn Conference 2023, Conference passed a motion (D13) removing the reference to a campaign strategy document of 1995. This was intended as part of an update to Campaigns Committee’s remit. However, the second part of this update, which included a revised campaign strategy to serve as terms of reference for the Committee, did not make it onto the agenda. This proposed motion is designed to remedy this deficit.

Last updated on 2024-09-08 at 15:20