Motion #04
APPENDIX: Relevant Existing Green Party Policy
Green Party policy on clean air, vaccination, workers’ and disabled people’s rights and compassion towards vulnerable people, listed below, are all relevant to this issue. We propose a scientifically defensible policy statement on COVID and Long-COVID that coheres with our values and is a reasonable extension of existing Green Party policy.
Extracts from Existing Green Party Policy
“The Green Party believes that pollution reduces the range of choice for future generations, directly damages health, and reduces potential lifespan.” [PL202]
“We believe that much more can be done in schools to prevent illness by caring for children, and educating children about health.” [HE1707]
We believe that clean air is a human right that should be enshrined in law, and that everyone, especially every child, has a right to breathe clean air [Ella’s Law]
“The Green Party supports vaccination as a primary means of preventing many diseases. All children should have a right to receive vaccines.” [HE402]
“We believe that every worker has the right to a safe and healthy working environment. The Green Party would ensure that this right is protected in law.” [WR470]
“We believe that willingness and ability to care for its vulnerable members are essential features of a compassionate society.” [HE102]
“All Green Party policies are designed to promote the health of individuals, communities and society. Health for individuals is only possible in the context of a healthy environment and society. The healthy society is one which guarantees a safe and clean environment.” [HE100]
“The Green Party supports research into healthcare at all levels, especially research into public health, epidemiology, nursing and community care.” [HE1502]
“Where there is compelling evidence that incidence of an illness in society has a strong environmental factor, that illness shall be designated a notifiable disease. Cancer, asthma and ME/CFS shall be included on this list. This information shall form the basis of statistical research into the effects of polluting our air, water and food supply.” [HE401]
“We are mindful that one fifth of the NHS clinical budget was devoted to treating illnesses caused by unemployment, inequality, poor housing and pollution, and that Green reforms in these sectors of the economy will reduce the load on the health service.” [HE 1800]
“The Green Party demands an inclusive society. This does not mean integrating disabled people into a not yet-disabled world but means redefining society according to the perspectives of all people, not just the not yet-disabled.” [DY 300]
Last updated on 2024-09-08 at 15:20