Motion #05
The Green Party reaffirms its commitment to international law and promoting equality and human rights of the Palestinian people. This motion seeks to establish clear policy positions with our communications reflecting the party’s unequivocal solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for self-determination, liberation, and equality.
Insert the following into our Record of Policy Statements
The Green Party recognises and condemns Israel’s policies as apartheid, based on international treaty and customary law, including, most notably, but not limited to:
We call for an end to all forms of apartheid and equal rights for all. The term “apartheid” accurately describes the institutionalised regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over another, as identified by international human rights bodies and legal experts.
The Green Party condemns genocide per the UN Genocide Convention (1948):
As of 2024, the systematic violence and restrictions on Palestinians meet the criteria for genocide. This motion ensures our positions comply with international law and our commitment to justice and human rights.
The Green Party should have included its explicit support for the BDS Palestine Movement in the 2024 manifesto. We affirm our commitment to explicitly supporting BDS in our internal and external communications going forward. Supporting the BDS movement is essential to holding Israel accountable, to supporting Palestinians’ rights to equality and self-determination, and to demonstrating that our support, as a nation, is not performative. Israel should not be able to profit from its apartheid regime or its unlawful occupation of Palestinian land. If the UK Government has learned anything from its failure to support BDS during South African Apartheid, it must be that the impact of applying political pressure is nothing without an economic response. Anti-apartheid promises are hollow if nothing is done to reform the institutions that fund apartheid regimes. The UK Government must not make the same mistakes again.
Last updated on 2024-09-08 at 15:20