Green Party Conference Agenda

Motion #17

Moving Forward Cooperatively

Motion not yet debated


The principle of incorporation has been approved by Conference. The next stage is to adopt new Articles of Memorandum of Association to complete the process. Both the Co-op Party affiliated to the Labour Party and the Welsh Labour Party are co-operative companies limited by guarantee.


Conference calls on GPEX to allocate the necessary resources to employ legal professionals to assist volunteers from a dedicated “Co-Operative Model Working Group” (CO-OPWG) in the drafting of a new Memorandum and Articles of Association based on the GPEW’s shared values with the co-operative movement.

As a follow-up to initial and positive enquiries from Solicitors Bates, Wells Braithewaite reported in their Incorporation Scoping Paper The Green Party of England and Wales dated January 2015 * ( Option C pages 25, 26, 27,28,29,30 ), this draft document to be submitted no later than 30th March 2025 to the Co-operatives UK and the Financial Conduct Authority for their consideration.

Once those submissions have received provisional approval from the Co-operatives UK and the Financial Conduct Authority, the proposed Memorandum and Articles of Association to be put to a ballot of all members of the GPEW for ratification as per paragraph 21 of the Constitution - Revision of the Constitution ii)

The Co-op WG to be jointly convened by the proposer and seconder of this motion and be made up of 15 supporters to the project including one member nominated by each of the 9 Regions, plus Wales no later than 30th November 2024. Members of this working group to be provided with administrative assistance from the GPEW’s CEO as required.

Last updated on 2024-09-08 at 15:20