Motion #17
The principle of incorporation has been approved by Conference. The next stage is to adopt new Articles of Memorandum of Association to complete the process. Both the Co-op Party affiliated to the Labour Party and the Welsh Labour Party are co-operative companies limited by guarantee.
Conference calls on GPEX to allocate the necessary resources to employ legal professionals to assist volunteers from a dedicated “Co-Operative Model Working Group” (CO-OPWG) in the drafting of a new Memorandum and Articles of Association based on the GPEW’s shared values with the co-operative movement.
As a follow-up to initial and positive enquiries from Solicitors Bates, Wells Braithewaite reported in their Incorporation Scoping Paper The Green Party of England and Wales dated January 2015 * ( Option C pages 25, 26, 27,28,29,30 ), this draft document to be submitted no later than 30th March 2025 to the Co-operatives UK and the Financial Conduct Authority for their consideration.
Once those submissions have received provisional approval from the Co-operatives UK and the Financial Conduct Authority, the proposed Memorandum and Articles of Association to be put to a ballot of all members of the GPEW for ratification as per paragraph 21 of the Constitution - Revision of the Constitution ii)
The Co-op WG to be jointly convened by the proposer and seconder of this motion and be made up of 15 supporters to the project including one member nominated by each of the 9 Regions, plus Wales no later than 30th November 2024. Members of this working group to be provided with administrative assistance from the GPEW’s CEO as required.
Last updated on 2024-09-08 at 15:20