Motion #02
This motion requests conference to accept the recommendations in this report (if and as amended) and to ask PDC to make the necessary changes to the Policy for a Sustainable Society and the Record of Policy Statements.
A Policy Development Committee (PDC) Report is not required to go to Conference. However, there is now a significant backlog of policy, which is making it hard for PDC and policy working groups to function effectively. The PDC annual report, which will update members of PDC’s activities over the last year will go to the AGM. This report contains
Appendix A: Details of minor changes to the Policy for a Sustainable Society which conference is recommended to approve.
PDC is empowered to make minor changes to Policies for a Sustainable Society (PSS) between AGMs and conferences, such as updating out-of-date terminology (for instance, mention of organisations which no longer exist) and ensuring that Acts of Parliament referred to are current. All such changes will be reported to Conference through the Policy Development Committee report, so that an opportunity is provided to challenge each change and, if the AGM or Conference so decides, reverse it (clause 14iv of the constitution).
These changes represent in some cases several back years’ of changes. PDC recommends to conference that these are approved to appear as part the PSS.
Appendix B1&B2 Changes to the Record of Policy Statements
Record of Policy Statements
Policies included in RoPS may be amended, archived or deleted by the approval of a motion to Conference. In addition, all policies in RoPS should be reviewed by Policy Development Committee two years after their adoption and at regular intervals thereafter. If the Committee considers that all or part of any of the policies therein are now outdated, they can propose their amendment, archiving to a dedicated area of the members’ website or deletion by a subsequent meeting of Regional Council. Archived RoPS entries will remain in force as policy statements, but will not be actively promoted through the public policy website. All decisions to alter, archive and/or delete RoPS entries will be reported to the AGM or Spring Conference through the Policy Development Committee report (clause 14ix of the constitution).
As part of the PSS webpage, approved policy statements are recorded down the side of the main PSS page. PDC are required to recommend archiving (remain policy but not actively promoted) or deletion on a rolling basis. A record of archived and deleted policy statements will be maintained on the PDC Green Space. Policies reported to conference for archiving or deletion are in this folder.
These changes also represent several years’ backlog. Where it was not clear whether a policy was out of date, changes that impinged on the work of policy working groups were checked with them.
Appendix B3: 2019 Manifesto
For completeness, PDC intends to recommend to GPRC that this be deleted (but it will be retained for the record in the PDC Green Space). The final decision on whether it is deleted or archived sits with GPRC. Policy Working Groups are therefore reminded to look though this manifesto and make changes to their chapter, where they wish to retain policy that resides only in this manifesto.
Appendix B4: 2024 Manifesto
The long version of this manifesto is submitted as part of this report as a record of the version that was campaigned on. Subject to any amendments, PDC will insert this into the Record of Policy Statements, as a ratified policy statement.
SOC Note: This is taken to be separate from the version of the manifesto approved by GPRC, featured as an addendum to A01 above
Appendix B5:
Subject to any amendments, PDC will insert this into the Record of Policy Statements, as a ratified policy statement.
Subject to any amendments, PDC will insert this into the Record of Policy Statements, as a ratified policy statement.
SOC Note: This is taken to refer to motion E07 below, and the effect of accepting this report will therefore be to ratify the text of that motion as an Interim Policy Position statement per section 14(viii) of the Constitution
Appendix B6: Manifesto 2024: Extracted policy statements for approval by RPAG (taken from PDC working copy manifesto v2.2 and “Health extracted for Ann”). Subject to any amendments, PDC will insert this into the Record of Policy Statements via the manifesto, as ratified policy statements. Subject to any amendments, PDC will insert these into the PSS, as a ratified interim policy statements.
Appendix C: Interim Policy positions
There are 3 Interim Policy positions, motions that are required by the constitution to go to conference. PolCom may propose Interim Policy Positions; as outlined in para 14.8 of the constitution. These 3 sets of interim policy position have been ratified by GPRC as urgent business, were published in the dedicated Interim Policy Positions forum and are submitted to Conference to ratify the text in the form of an Interim Policy Statement, open to amendments via this report (amendments cannot be ruled out of order for tending to negate the original text)
SOC Note: The reference to Net Zero Governance is taken to refer to motion E22 below, and the effect of accepting this report will therefore be to ratify the text of that motion as an Interim Policy Position statement per section 14(viii) of the Constitution
Monetary policy – drafted to correct an error in our Economy policy – first time at conference and subject to amendments, after which it will come back, as amended for final approval at the next conference
SOC Note: This IPP and its background paper is given below. There is an additional note at motion C04 clarifying the position regarding amendment 1 to that motion, since if this report passes that amendment automatically becomes of no effect and falls away:
Interim policy positions needed for the drafting of the 2024 manifesto - – first time at conference and subject to amendments, after which it will come back, as amended for final approval at the next conference.
Last updated on 2024-09-08 at 15:20