Motion #19
Learning consensus building skills will help local parties and special interest groups (SpIGs) to manage differences of opinion on contentious issues without members resorting to the complaints system when debate includes discussion that may be perceived as hurtful or offensive and promote listening to marginalised voices.
Conference instructs Green Party Executive to find an appropriate provider to train two nominated persons from each SpIG and each Region in consensus building skills and techniques, with the expectation that Regional representatives will run a similar event to train members of each local party in their region.
Conference requests the Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee design and distribute templates to assist Committees of SpIGs, local and regional parties in resolving internal conflict without use of the Complaints system, whenever appropriate (i.e. where in the disciplinary system any sanction may be at the level of censure, offering an apology, short term exclusion from events).
Conference requests that the Equality and Diversity Committee creates a set of guidelines and resources on consensus-based governance, outlining best practices, communication strategies, and conflict resolution mechanisms to support members in engaging in consensus-building processes.
SOC Note: The background for this motion is located at Appendix 1
Last updated on 2024-09-08 at 15:20